Saturday, 20 April 2013

Dictation (4)

There is an interesting article from on the Rio+20 Summit that took place last year in June:

U.N. Pessimism at Rio+20 Earth Summit (21st June, 2012)

     As Brazil's president welcomed world leaders to the Rio+20 Earth Summit, the U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon cast doubts on the three-day event. A pre-summit draft document that is to serve as a blueprint for Earth's sustainability has been criticised as being too weak by the U.N chief. He said in the opening meeting: "Let me be frank. Our efforts have not lived up to the measure of the challenge….Nature does not wait….Nature does not negotiate with human beings." Rio+20 is so named because it has been 20 years since the last Earth Summit, which did lead to historic environmental decisions and promises, although not all were kept. Unlike Rio+20, the 1992 event was the result of years of discussion.

     Many of the delegates who attended the opening on Wednesday said three days was far too short to sort out the Earth's most important problems. Some lamented the absence of leaders like the USA's Barack Obama and Germany's Angela Merkel, saying their nonattendance sends out a message they aren't overly worried about sustainability. World leaders are perhaps more concerned with their re-election prospects and their country's current economic problems than the future of the planet. Ban Ki-moon told the assembly: "Rio+20 is not an end, but a beginning. It is time for all of us to think globally and long-term….The world is waiting to see if our words will translate into action, as we know they must."

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Situational Writing (WS 3)

Situational Writing Sample


This is my pet cat, Snowy. She has white fur, a pair of pretty green eyes and wears a bell on a red ribbon around her neck. She also has a lame hind leg and cannot wander far on her own.

I have been desperately looking for her since her disappearance two days ago. I am very certain she is still around this estate.

If you see her, please contact me (Mrs Jennifer Chan) at 6475 3000 as my 5-year-old daughter is not taking Snowy’s disappearance well.

A reward would be given to anyone who finds Snowy.


You were passing Clementi Estate yesterday when you spotted a cat fitting Snowy’s description. You decided to contact Mrs Jennifer Chan. 
Write an email to your best friend, Cynthia. 

In your email, include the following information:

-       what the notice is about
-       description of Snowy
-       what you would like to do
-       why you would like to do that (provide 2 reasons)
-       ask Cynthia to accompany you to see Mrs Jennifer Chan

Friday, 12 April 2013

Just for laughs

Something funny to start off your weekend with.
All credits to

Now you come in.

Photo courtesy of Sushi Shibata.
Found at sushi restaurant in Dana Point, CA. 

I push therefore I am...

Remember to contact the abandonment division when you throw these pens away!